jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

Chocolate & Rose Bundt Cake with Spiced Rose Ganache (#BundtBakers)

Chocolate & Rose Bundt Cake with Spiced Rose Ganache

Mi primera entrada para el grupo de #BundtBakers es un bundt cake de chocolate y agua de rosas con una ganache con especias y también agua de rosas. En otras palabras, un bundt cake perfecto para una ocasión romántica como San Valentín (sí, hice la receta para ese día ;-) ).

Este mes la anfitriona es Tanya Gal del blog Dessert Stalking que nos ha propuesto elaborar un bundt cake con chocolate, en cualquier forma (puro, con leche, manteca de cacao, polvo, etc.) He elegido esta receta porque quería hacer una receta para San Valentín, y tengo pendiente, desde hace mucho tiempo, probar la receta de ganache con especias y agua de rosas del libro Sky High: Irresistible Triple-Layer Cakes de Alisa Huntsman. Para el bundt cake he adaptado la receta de mi bizocho favorito de Whimsical Bakehouse. La receta original da una masa bastante fluida, y para el bundt cake normalmente necesitas una masa un poco más espesa, y por eso también he usado harina normal en vez de harina de pastelería (cake flour).

El bundt cake "romántico" fue un éxito, chocolate total con el sabor sutil del agua de rosas (¡cómo huele!) y la ganache (¡espectacular el sabor! le dio un toque extra. ¡Para repetir! ;-)

My first post for the group #Bundtbakers is a chocolate and rose Bundt cake with a spiced rose ganache.A very chocolately, "romantic" Bundt cake, perfect for every special ocasion, and of course for Valentine's Day (yes, I made this one for the 14th of February). I adapted my favourite chocolate cake recipe from the Whimsical Bakehouse (made it a bit firmer) and used the recipe of the absolutely delicious spiced rose ganache from Alisa Huntsman (Sky High: Irresistible Triple-Layer Cakes), which I wanted to try for some time now :-)

This month the host is Tanya Gal del blog Dessert Stalking.  She has proposed to make a Bundt cake with chocolate, any type of chocolate would do. My "romantic" chocolate Bundt cake was delicious, an intense dark chocolate color, a tender crumb and a delicious chocolate taste with a subtle hint of rose, mmmmmm! The ganache (fantastic!!) was a great success, I will certainly try the recipe again in a layer cake :-) And thank you Tanya for hosting this month theme, loved it!


#BundtBakers is a group of bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bundts with a common ingredient or theme. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme or ingredient. If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send an email with your blog URL to foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com. All recipes and photographs can be found on our individual blogs, on our Pinterest board, and the #BundtBakers homepage.

Here are February's Chocolate themed Bundt Bakers:

  • Apricot Almond Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache by Cassandra at Cassie's Kitchen
  • Blackforest Bundt Cake by Anshie at SpiceRoots
  • Chocolate & Rose Bundt Cake with Spiced Rose Ganache by Lara at Tartacadabra
  • Chocolate and Almonds Bundt Cake by Kathya at Basic N Delicious
  • Chocolate and Lavender Bundt Cake by Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
  • Chocolate Buttermilk Bundt Cake by Beatriz & Mara at I love Bundt Cakes
  • Chocolate Covered Strawberry Bundt Cake by Julie at Eat, Drink, and Be Mighty
  • Chocolate Crumb Bundt by Catherine at Living the Gourmet
  • Chocolate Custard Floating Island Bundt Cake by Jelena at A Kingdom For a Cake
  • Chocolate Honeycomb Bundt by Sue at Just Sew Sue
  • Chocolate Irish Cream Bundt by Anne at From My Sweet Heart
  • Chocolate Orange Bundt Cake by Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
  • Chocolate Pound Cake by Renee at Magnolia Days
  • Chocolate Strawberry Pound Cake by Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
  • Cider White Chocolate Bundt Cake with White Chocolate Glaze by Patricia at Patty's Cake
  • Dark Chocolate Pomegranate Bundt Cake by Linda at Brunch with Joy
  • Devil's Food Chocolate Bundt Cake by Tanya at DessertStalking Blog
  • Double Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake by Carola at En La Cocina de Caro
  • False Chocolate Bundt Cake by Anna at Media RaciÛn Doble, Por Favor
  • Guava and Chocolate Bundt by Kelly at Passion Kneaded
  • How the Grinch Stole Valentine's Day by Lauren at Sew You Think You Can Cook
  • Kickin Chocolate Bundt Cake by Kaylin at Keep it Simple, Sweetie
  • Lemon Glazed White Chocolate Cream Cheese Pound Cake Mini Bundts by Laura at The Spiced Life
  • Mars Bar Bundt by Tara at Noshing With The Nolands
  • Marshmallows Chocolate Bundt Cake by Shilpi at SimplyVeggies
  • Quadruple Chocolate Bundt by Stacy at Food Lust People Love
  • Red Velvet Bundt with White Chocolate Roses by Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
  • Sacher Bundt Cake by Esti at Mummy & Cute
  • Spicy Chocolate Mini Bundt Cake by Rocio at Kids & Chic
  • Triple Chocolate Buttermilk Bundt Cake by Teri at The Freshman Cook
  • Triple Chocolate Threat Bundt by Jane at Jane’s Adventures in Dinner
  • Tunnel of Fudge Bundt Cake by Rebekah at Making Miracles
  • White Chocolate & Raspberries Bundt Cake by Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado

    • Fuente (bundt cake): adaptado de la receta del Whimsical Bakehouse
      Fuente (ganache): adaptada de Sky High: Irresistible Triple-Layer Cakes - Alisa Huntsman 

      Chocolate & Rose Bundt cake with Spiced Rose Ganache 

      250 g de mantequilla, a temperatura ambiente (250 g butter, room temperature)
      400 g de azúcar (400 g granulated sugar)
      4 huevos (L) (4 large eggs)
      75 g de cacao en polvo (75 g cacao powder)
      350 g de harina (350 g allpurpose flour)
      ½ cucharadita de sal (pinch of salt)
      2 cucharaditas de bicarbonato (2 teaspoons of baking soda)
      ½ cucharadita de levadura química (half a teaspoon of baking powder)
      240 ml de mazada (buttermilk) (1cup buttermilk)
      2 cucharaditas de agua de rosas (Nielsen-Massey) (2 tbs vanilla extract)
      150 ml de agua (150 ml water)

      Lleva el agua a ebullición. Pon el cacao en un cuenco y añade el agua hirviendo poco a poco, mezclando bien para quitar todos los grumos. Déjalo enfriar
      Bring the water to boil. Put the cacao in a bowl and add the bowling water, stirr well to make a smooth paste without lumps. Let cool

      Precalienta el horno a 170. Engrasa un molde de bundt cake con espray o con aceite. 
      Preheat the oven at 170ºC (350 Fahrenheit). Grease the bundt mould with a cooking spray or with butter and flour. 
      Bate la mantequilla con el azúcar hasta obtener una crema blanca y cremosa. Añade el agua de rosas y bate bien (raspa las paredes y el fondo del cuenco para asegurarte de que todo queda bien mezclado). Añade después los huevos, uno a uno, y mezcla después bien (a velocidad baja) hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea
      In a bowl of a standing mixer beat the butter with the sugar until light and fluffy. Add the rose water and mix 10 seconds more. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. 

      Tamiza la harina, sal, levadura química y el bicarbonato y mézclalos con una espátula
      Whisk the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda in a medium bowl until thoroughly combined. 

      Añade a la masa de mantequilla un tercio de la harina y mézclala bien. Añade la mitad de la mazada y continua alternando los ingredientes, terminando (siempre ;-) ) con la harina.
      With the mixer on low; add the flour mixture (in three increments) alternately with the buttermilk (in two increments), beginning and ending with the flour and beating until just incorporated. 

      A continuación, con una espátula grande, incorpora la mezcla de cacao a la masa; asegúrate de que todo queda bien mezclado, que no quede masa "blanca" por ningún sitio. Vierte la masa en el molde bundt, colócalo a media altura en el horno, y hornea el bundt durante unos 50-60 minutos, o hasta que, al pincharlo con una brocheta, ésta salga limpia.
      Add the cacao mixture to the batter with a spatula, and fully incorporate. Pour the batter in the bundt pan and bake for about 50-60 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out with no crumbs. 

      Saca el bundt del horno y déjalo reposar unos 20-25 minutos en una rejilla. Después ya puedes desmoldarlo poniéndolo boca abajo, y dejarlo enfriar del todo sobre la rejilla.   
      Let the cake cool in the pan for about 20-25 minutes, and after that loosen the cake on a wire rack and let it cool completely.   

      Ganache de Especias con Leche de Coco y Agua de Rosas
      450 g de chocolate negro (1 pound bittersweet chocolate)
      180 ml de leche de coco ( cup unsweetened coconut milk)
      180 ml nata ( cup heavy cream)
      3 ramas de canela, partidas (3 cinnamon sticks, broken up)
      1 cayena (1 small dried hot red pepper) 
      1 cucharadita de hebras de azafrán (1 teaspoon loosely packed saffron threads)
      ½ vaina de vainilla, abierta a la mitad (½ vanilla bean, split lengthwise) 
      ½ cucharadita de agua de rosas (Nielsen-Massey)


      Trocea el chocolate y colócalo en un cuenco resistente al calor.
      En un cazo mediano mezcla la leche de coco, la nata, la canela, la cayena y el azafrán. Con la punta de un cuchillo raspa las semillas de la vainilla y mézclalas con la nata; añade también la vaina. Calienta la mezcla hasta que hierva suavemente, y déjala cocer durante 10 minutos. Retírala del fuego.

      Chop the chocolate in pieces and place it in a heatproof bowl. 
      In a medium saucepan, combine the coconut milk, cream, cinnamon sticks, hot pepper and safron. With the tip of a small knife, scrape the tiny seeds from the vanilla bean into the cream; add the pod too. Bring to a simmer and continue to cook over the lowest heat for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat.

      Retira la cayena del cazo, y deja reposar la mezcla durante 10 minutos más. Vuelve a calentarla y, colándola, viértela sobre el chocolate troceado. Añade al agua de rosas. Déjalo reposar 5 minutos, y luego mezcla con las varillas hasta que quede una mezcla homogénea. Si el chocolate no se funde del todo, mételo 20 segundos en el microondas a media potencia (±600 W), y vuelve a removerlo.

      Discard the hot pepper at once. Allow the cream to infuse for 10 minutes longer. Reheat the cream and strain (met een zeef) the cream over the chopped chocolate, and add the rosewater. Let stand for about 5 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Mocht de chocolade niet helemaal opgelost zijn, zet het dan 20 seconde in de microondas op 600 Watt en roer nogmaals door. 

      ¡Vierte parte de la ganache sobre el bundt cake y disfrútalo!  El resto puedes conservarlo hasta una semana en el frigo (o congelarlo), o simplemente servirlo de postre. ¡Deliciosa! ;-)

      Pour some of the ganache over the bundt cake and enjoy! You can keep the rest for up to a week in the fridge (or freeze it), or just serve it as a dessert. Delicious! ;-)

      21 comentarios:

      1. Pure romance! And such an interesting combination of ingredients, I can not imagine how it tastes:)

      2. Such a lovely bundt, perfect for February!

      3. That is one beautiful chocolatey bundt! I'm glad you got to post it in the end!

        1. Thank you Tux!! I am also very relieved that I managed to get it posted correctly in the end ;-) Have a great weekend and see you in the next mont's theme! --xx- & sun from Spain!

      4. Chocolate, cinnamon, rose water and hot pepper....such a romantic cake Lara! PERFECT for Valentine's Day! : )

        1. Thanks Anne!! I have also added the translation in English of the Bundt Cake, sorry for the delay (forgot that part :S) and thank you very much for your kind words :-)

      5. Exquisite looking cake. so very romantic.

      6. I love how deep, dark and chocolatey your cake is, Lara, but I am most intrigued by the hint of spice in the ganache. It sounds splendid! So glad you have joined us baking Bundts!

        1. Thanks Stacy for your kind words and also for organizing the BundtBaker group, it's great to be part of it :-) The ganache was on my to-do-list for a long time now, it is absolutely divine, promise!! Have a great weekend! -xx-

      7. Hola! Tiene una pinta deliciosa! Qué ganas de hacerlo! Gracias por la receta! Besis

      8. Debe estar delicioso!!! Ahora me vendría bien con un cafetito... ;)

      9. Beautiful cake, I just love the flavour combinations you've used in this cake, it must taste wonderful.

      10. That ganache is definitely intriguing! Spicy!
