jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Lemon Basil Bundt Cake (#BundtBakers)

Lemon Basil Bundt Cake (#BundtBakers) 

Ya hace dos meses que no hago nada con los Bundt Bakers; toda la Semana Santa y un liadísimo mes de mayo me han tenido apartada del placer de hornear cosas ricas... Pero he vuelto ;-)

It has already been 2 months that I haven't been baking with the Bundt Bakers; Easter holiday and a very busy month in May without any fun baking, but I am back again ;-)

Cuando vi el tema para junio, me encantó; adoro el limón y los sabores cítricos. Perfectos para el verano, y deliciosos en cualquier postre :-) Al principio iba a hacer un bundt de limón y semillas de amapola, pero cuando vi que ya había dos personas apuntadas que iban a hacer lo mismo, decidí cambiar de proyecto (y eso que me encantan las semillas de amapola ;-) ). Así que he elegido una receta de uno de mis libros favoritos (Cake Simple, de Christie Matheson): Bundt Cake de limón y albahaca.

When I saw the theme for June I got all happy, I looooove lemons and citrus flavours. Perfect for the summer and love them in desserts :-) I first wanted to make a Lemon Poppy Seed Bundt, but since I saw in the list of the participants that already two people were making it, I thought of trying something different (looove poppy seeds ;-) ). So I have chosen a recipe from my favourite book Cake Simple (by Christie Matheson): Lemon Basil Bundt Cake.

Es una receta bastante sencilla, así que si tienes que hornear algo y tienes el tiempo justo, no dudes en probarla :-) ¡Puedes ignorar el almíbar y todo lo relativo a la albahaca, y aún así obtener un bizcocho increíblemente jugoso, ligero y superlimonero! El glaseado le da un toque de albahaca fresca, y tengo que decir que me ha gustado: es una combinación muy fresca y sabrosa :-)

It is a pretty easy recipe to make, so if you have just a short time to bake, don't hesitate to make this one :-) You can skip the syrup and all the basil things and still get an incredible moist, light and super-lemony bundt Cake! A perfect Summer Lemon Bundt Cake! The frosting gives you a real basil taste, and I have to say that I liked it; it is a very fresh and flavoury combination :-)

This month's host has been Anne, from  From My Sweet Heart. She proposed us to make a bundt cake with lemons. Thanks a lot, Anne, for hosting June's theme, loved the lemons :-)

Aquí está la lista de participantes con sus bundts del tema de junio, «Limón»:
Here are June's Lemon themed Bundt Bakers:

#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving Bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all of our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board right here. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme or ingredient. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers can be found on our homepage.

Fuente de la receta: adaptado de la receta de Cake Simple - Christie Matheson 
Recipe source: adapted from the book Cake Simple, by Christie Matheson

Bundt Cake de Limón y Albahaca
Lemon Basil Bundt Cake


300 g de harina (300 g all-purpose flour)3 cucharaditas de levadura química (3 teaspoons baking powder)
½ cucharadita de sal (½ teaspoon salt)
400 ml de yogur griego (400 ml greek yogurt)  
350 g de azúcar (350 g sugar)5 huevos (L) (5 eggs, large) 
½ cucharadita de esencia de vainilla (½ teaspoon vanilla extract) Nielsen-Massey
ralladura de 3 limones (zest of 3 lemons)
3 cucharadas de zumo de limón fresco (3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice)
200 ml aceite vegetal (200 ml vegetable oil)

Prepara el almíbar (ver más abajo) con antelación, si deseas usarlo.
Make the syrup (see below) in advance, if you wish to apply it.
Precalienta el horno a 175. Engrasa el interior de un molde grande para bundt cakes. 
Preheat the oven to 350 (175). Grease the inside of a 10 cup Bundt pan.
Mezcla bien la harina, la levadura química y la sal en un cuenco mediano.
Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl until thoroughly combined. 

En el cuenco del robot de cocina, con las varillas, mezcla el yogur con el azúcar hasta obtener una mezcla ligera y suave. Añade los huevos, de uno en uno, batiendo bien después de cada uno. Añade la ralladura de limón, el zumo de limón y la vainilla y mezcla hasta que quede todo incorporado.

In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the yogurt with the sugar until thouroughly combined. Add the eggs, lemon zest,lemon juice and vanilla and mix just until incorporated.

Con el robot a baja velocidad, y batiendo sólo hasta que se haya incorporado, añade la harina. Mezcla, suavemente y a mano, el aceite en la masa. 
With the mixer on low, add the flour mixture and whisk until incorporated. Gently stir in the vegetable oil by hand.

Vierte la masa en el molde y hornea durante unos 45-50 minutos, hasta que puedas pinchar el centro del bizcocho con un pincho de madera y sacarlo limpio. Déjalo enfriar en el molde sobre una rejilla durante media hora, y después vuélcalo para sacarlo y déjalo enfriar por completo.
Pour the batter in the prepared pan, smooth the top and bake for about 45-50 minutes, until the cake is golden and a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean.

Let the cake cool in the pan on a wire rack for about 30 minutes, then invert the cake onto the rack and let it cool completely.

Con el bizcocho aún caliente, aplícale el almíbar con un pincel. Déjalo enfriar por completo, y cúbrelo generosamente con el glaseado. Espolvorea el azúcar al limón y albahaca (ver más abajo) por encima, y sírvelo.

While the cake is still warm, brush the syrup over it. Let the cake cool completely and then drizzle it generously with the glaze. Sprinkle it with the lemon-basil sugar (see  below) and serve. 

Almíbar de Limón y Albahaca / Lemon Basil Syrup
100 g de azúcar blanco / 100 g granulated sugar
60 ml de agua / 60 ml water
60 ml de zumo de limón / 60 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
3 tiras de corteza de limón, de 2 ó 3 cm / one inch strips lemon zest
3 ramitas de albahaca / 3 sprigs basil

Combina, en un cazo pequeño a fuego medio, el azúcar con el agua, el zumo y la ralladura de limón,y la albahaca, y lleva la mezcla a ebullición. Déjala hervir suavemente durante 10 minutos. Cuela el almíbar antes de pincelar el bundt con él.

In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the sugar with the water, lemon juice, zest and basil and bring to a gentle boil; boil for 10 minutes. Strain the syrup before brushing it over the warm cake.

Glaseado de Limón y Albahaca / Lemon Basil Glaze
60 ml de nata / 60 ml heavy cream
3 cucharadas de hojas de albahaca picadas / 3 tablespoons chopped basil leaves
140 g de azúcar glas / 140 g icing sugar
2 cucharadas de zumo de limón recién exprimido / 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
Una pizca de sal / pinch of salt

Escalda, en un cazo pequeño, la albahaca con la nata (se tienen que formar pequeñas burbujas en el borde de la nata, pero sin llegar a hervir). Retira la nata del fuego y déjala reposar 5 minutos. Cuela la nata sobre un cuenco mediano, y añade el azúcar glas, el zumo de limón y la pizca de sal, y remueve con las varillas hastatener una mezcla suave.

In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, combine the cream and basil and heat to scalding (when small bubbles begin to form around the edge of the cream but before it begins to boil). Remove the cream from the heat and let stand for about 5 minutes. Strain the cream into a medium bowl, then add the confectioners sugar, lemon juice and salt and whisk until smooth.

Azúcar de Limón y Albahaca / Lemon Basil Sugar
50 g de azúcar blanco / 50 g granulated sugar
½ cucharadita de ralladura de limón / ½ teaspoon fresh lemon zest
2 hojas de albahaca / 2 basil leaves

En una picadora, combina el azúcar con la ralladura de limón y la albahaca, y pica hasta que todo quede bien mezclado.
El azúcar se puede conservar en un recipiente hermético a temperatura ambiente durante tres días.

In a mini food processor, combine the sugar with the lemon zest and basil and pulse until thoroughly combined. The sugar will keep in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.  

25 comentarios:

  1. Lemon and Basil sound like a very interesting flavor combination. Love your creativity!

  2. I too wanted to make a lemon poppy seed cake but didn't. And this cake sounds so different. I am trying to imagine the flavor of basil and lemons-Yum!!!!

    1. Thanks Padmajha :-) It was a very interesting combination, I liked it very much. The lemon poppy I am going to make this week ;-)

  3. I would never want to skip the basil! Lemon and basil are best friends! Great choice, Lara!

    1. Thanks Stacey, it was indeed a really suprising good combination :-) Thanks for hosting this fun and kind group every month!! -xx-

  4. Te ha quedado fantástico y la combinación de sabores es genial

  5. This sounds so bright and fresh! Yumm!!

    1. Thanks Rebekah, it was indeed a very fresh combination :-)

  6. I love to toss pasta with Lemon and Basil so I am sure the flavor combo worked great on this cake too.

    1. Me too, Wendy, so I was kind of curious how it would work out with something sweet, but it was really good :-)

  7. This sounds absolutely divine! I love baking with basil- I made a strawberry filled cake with basil buttercream for my birthday this year.
    I NEED to try this cake! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Tux, thanks for your kind comment :-) Your cake sounds really great, hope to read the recipe on your blog :-) Sunshine from Spain -xx-

  8. I took May off, too, glad to be back - lemons are too good to pass up! I like the idea of basil and lemon. I've done it in muffins and it's a great combination.

    1. Hi Lauren, I also couldn't miss the lemon-theme :-) I am going to try the muffins too with this combo, sounds really good!

  9. Wow, Lemons with Basil... It must be yumm.

    1. Hi Shilpi, thanks for your comment! It was a delicious cake, can really recommend it :-)

  10. Absolutely beautiful flavors. Love the combo

  11. So happy you are back to baking and what a beautiful cake to come back with! This sounds wonderful. xo, Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine! Really good to be back again and baking :-) Thank you for your kind words -xx-

  12. Love the flavour combo! Your bundt looks absolutely yummy.

  13. Love that you used basil. It was on my short list too!

  14. What a wonderful bundt cake, I've got this book too and may just give the recipe a go.
