jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

Olive Oil Rosemary Bundt Cake (#BundtBakers)

Olive Oil Rosemary Bundt Cake (#BundtBakers)

Happy New Year to everyone! Wishing you all lots of happiness and a good health! And of course, lots of new flavours and lots of color in the kitchen :-)

¡Feliz Año Nuevo a todo el mundo! ¡Os deseamos a todos un montón de felicidad y mucha salud! Y, por supuesto, muchísimos sabores nuevos y color en la cocina.

After the busy holidays it is good to have the normal routine again, at least for me ;-) So I decided that I was going to participate with the Bundt Bakers right away in  January. I also wanted to participate in December, wrote the blog, recipe, but the Bundt Cake didn't come out of the pan... quite a disaster :-( It tasted delicious, but no pictures, just a hundred pieces... so this time I started already a week earlier, just to make sure that my Bundt would unmold just fine ;-)

Después de las ajetreadas vacaciones, es bueno volver a la rutina, al menos para mí ;-) Así que decidí participar inmediatamente en el desafío de los Bundt Bakers de enero. También quería participar en el de diciembre, escribí la entrada en el blog, la receta... Pero el bundt cake no quiso salir del molde por las buenas. Un desastre, vamos :-( Estaba absolutamente delicioso, eso sí, pero salió en decenas de trozos, y no quedó nada decente que fotografiar. Así que esta vez he empezado antes, para asegurarme de que el bundt salga del molde como es debido ;-)

June from How to Philosophize with Cake is the host for January with a quite original theme: "Strange but good-weird flavour combinations". Thanks June, getting creative and making something outside my normal flavour favorites was quite fun!

La anfitriona de enero ha sido June, de How to Philosophize with Cake. Y el tema ha sido muy original: «Combinaciones de sabores extrañas pero curiosamente buenas». ¡June, gracias por la diversión que nos ha proporcionado el hacer algo diferente de nuestras habituales combinaciones favoritas!

I was thinking about making something with beet and chocolate, but saw that someone already posted before me in the list a Bundt cake with these ingredients, so I decided to take the ingredients we have here in our own garden :-) We have our own olive trees and every year we have to pick them in December, and getting the new oil in February. And yes, it tastes absolutely delicious and also feels really good to have your "own" olive oil. And every year it is quite fun picking them, including my parents, and other family/friends :-)
The other ingredient is Rosemary; we have some in our new garden, and also lots and lots of them in the area just around our house where we walk the dogs. After they have been running around there for quite some time, I have to say that smell absolutely delicious (there are lots of thyme plants too) - fresh and herbal doggies, haha ;-)

Estaba pensando en hacer algo con remolacha y chocolate, pero vi que alguien «se había cogido» ya estos sabores, así que decidí hacer algo con los sabores que tenemos en el jardín :-) Tenemos nuestros propios olivos (cuyas aceitunas recogemos en diciembre-enero, y obtenemos el aceite de la cosecha hacia febrero), y es un gustazo disfrutar de tu propio y delicioso aceite de oliva virgen. Y cada año disfrutamos de la actividad familiar de cosechar las olivas :-) El otro ingrediente es el romero; tenemos algunas matas en nuestro nuevo jardín, y también cantidades enormes alrededor de nuestra casa, por donde paseamos con los perros. Después de que se hayan dado unas cuantas carreras por entre las matas, huelen de maravilla (porque además hay un montón de tomillo). «Perritos a las finas hierbas», ja, ja, ja ;-)

So, this time an unusal combination with Olive Oil and Rosemary. And how did it turn out? Well, the truth is that I didn't expect so much of it, but the result was absolutely great! It smelled so good of olive oil and rosemary, and the taste was quite "fresh and herbal". I am definetely going to repeat this one!
I adapted the recipe from (one of my favourite books) Cake Simple from Christie Matheson. If you don't have this book, just buy it, all the recipes I have tried are a winner :-)

Así que, esta vez, como decía, una combinación poco habitual con aceite de oliva y romero. ¿Y cómo creéis que salió? Yo no tenía unas expectativas muy elevadas, ¡pero el resultado fue fabuloso! Tenía un delicioso aroma a aceite de oliva y romero, y el sabor era «refrescante y herbal». ¡Una receta para repetir!
Adapté la receta de Cake Simple, de Christie Matheson (uno de mis libros favoritos). Si no lo tienes, cómpralo ya; todas las recetas que he probado de él son para medalla :-)

 ¡Espero que os guste la receta! ¡Y, por supuesto, todas las deliciosas recetas del talentoso grupo de Bundt Bakeres, aquí debajo! :-) Gracias, June, por el tema tan original, me ha encantado!

I hope you enjoy the recipe! And of course, all the delicious recipes of the talented group of Bundt Bakers here below! :-) And thanks, June, for the original theme, I really enjoyed it!! 
#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving Bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all of our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest Board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme or ingredient.

Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers can be found on our homepage.

Recipe adapted from Cake Simple by Christie Matheson 
Fuente: receta adaptada de Cake Simple, de Christie Matheson
Olive Oil Rosemary Bundt Cake de aceite de oliva y romero

125 g de harina (1 cup all-purpose flour)
150 g de harina de maíz (¾ cup finely ground cornmeal)
2 cucharaditas de levadura química (2 teaspoons baking powder)
1 cucharadita de sal (1 teaspoon salt)
120 g de mantequilla (½ cup butter, at room temperature)
260 g de azúcar blanco  (260 g granulated sugar)
5 huevos (L) (5 large eggs)
2 yemas de huevo (2 egg yolks)
1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla (1 teaspoon vanilla extract)
1 cucharada de zumo de limón fresco (1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice)
120 ml de aceite de oliva (½ cup olive oil)
2½ cucharadas de romero fresco fino, picado (2½ tablespoons minced fresh rosemary leaves)

Precalienta el horno a 175℃ y engrasa un molde de bundt cake con espray para hornear o con aceite. 
Preheat the oven at 175℃. Grease the inside of a 10 cup Bundt pan.

Mezcla bien la harina, la harina de maíz, la levadura química y la sal en un cuenco mediano.
Whisk the flour, cornmeal, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl until thoroughly combined.

En el cuenco del robot de cocina bate la mantequilla con el azúcar a velocidad media unos 2-3 minutos hasta que obtengas una crema ligera y suave. Añade el extracto de vainilla y el zumo de limón y bate medio minuto más. Añade los huevos, de uno en uno, batiendo bien después de cada uno. Por último añade las yemas de huevo y bate hasta que todo quede bien incorporado. Con el robot a velocidad baja añade el aceite de oliva y bate hasta que quede una mezcla bien homogénea. Añade la mezcla de harina y el romero y mezcla lo justo hasta que quede incorporado. ¡No mezcles más de lo necesario!

In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter with the sugar on medium speed for 2 to 3 minutes, until light and fluffy.  Add the vanilla extrac and lemon juice. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition until incorporated, then beat in the egg yolks, one at a time. With the mixer on low, slowly add the olive oil and beat until thoroughly incoporated. Add the flour mixture and the rosemary and beat until just incorporated- do-not overmix!

Vierte la mezcla en el molde preparado, alisa la superficie, y hornea durante 40-50 minutos, hasta que puedas clavarle un pincho de madera y sacarlo limpio. Deja el bizcocho enfriar en el molde, sobre una rejilla, durante unos 20 minutos; después invierte el molde para sacarlo, y déjalo enfriar unos 30 minutos más. Vierte un poco de aceite de oliva en el bundt cake caliente, y espolvoréalo con un poco de azúcar. Sírvelo aún caliente o a temperatura ambiente. En un envase hermético a temperatura ambiente, se conservará bien hasta dos días

Pour the batter into the prepared pan, smooth the top, and bake for about 40-50 minutes, until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the pan on a wire rack for about 20 minutes, the invert the cake onto the rack and let it cool for about 30 minutes more. Drizzle the warm cake very lightly with olive oil, then sprinkle it with a little sugar. Serve warm or at room temperature. The cake will keep in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. 

See you again next month in the Bundt Bakers! ¡Nos vemos de nuevo el mes que viene!


30 comentarios:

  1. I so envious of you having your own olive trees and olive oil. How fantastic! Nice cake to make with it too.

    1. Thanks Renee! Yes, for me to it's quite special (I am Dutch) and I love living here :-))) See you again next month!

  2. olive trees in your backyard, fantabulous!! Bundt looks plump and cute. Beautiful flavors!!

    1. Thanks Priya :-) Yes, absolutely fantastic having your own olive trees in the garden :-) See you next month!

  3. Wonderful! I'd put olive oil in everything if I had my own trees. What a lovely cake.

    1. Thanks Jane! And yes we put olive oil in everything ;-)

  4. Olive oil cake is my favorite kind of cake. Love the idea of pairing rosemary with it. Rosemary is so so good in desserts.

    1. Thanks Ansh! For me it was the first time I made a olive oil cake :-) And yes, I loved it!

  5. Tiene una pinta estupenda, ese color y esa miga que se ve tan esponjosa, nos encanta. Y tus perritos a las finas hierbas jajajaja , así da gusto sacar a pasear a los perros. Besos

    1. Muchas gracias Bea y Mara! Es verdad, da mucho gusto pasear así con los perros :-))) Besos guapas!

  6. Holy cow! I'm so jealous you have your own olive trees! So cool! This cake is simply gorgeous and I'm truly in awe! I thought of doing an olive oil cake with lavender when I was first mulling over ideas for this month, but I'm glad I didn't because your cake would have out-shined mine!

    1. Thank you Tux! What a huge compliment you just gave me about my cake, you're soooo sweet, thank you! And yes having your own olive trees really rocks ;-) See you again next month! Xx

  7. Really? You have your own olive trees? I am so jealous of you Lara! nevertheless, I loved this flavor combination and I want to try this cake ASAP.

  8. This bundt is so beautiful! :D I love olive oil cakes and I love rosemary desserts...such a winner in my book :)


  9. Glad you enjoyed the theme! This cake looks scrumptious, very elegant flavors :)

  10. What a treat to have your own olive oil!! I adore the fragrant aroma of rosemary - they work so well together. YUMMMM!

  11. You get to make your own olive oil?? How lucky is that?! Rosemary was a common ingredient for our group this month. I chose it as well. I love that you paired yours with your homemade olive oil.

    1. Thanks Wendy! We have our own olive trees, pick them and then bring them to a cooperation who makes oil of them. We don' have our own press to do it (is really expensive and we have "only" about 10 trees ;-) ). See you again next month!

  12. What a coincidence that I am the group member who made the chocolate beet, but I almost made olive oil and rosemary. I will have to try this soon.

    1. Hi Felice, yes you were the one ;-) I loved your cake though, looked very impressive and I am certainly going to try your recipe! This one also turned out really nice, nicer that I expected ;-) See you again next month! Xx

  13. I love the book you made this from, I've yet to try this recipe but I think I will in the warmer months.

    1. Hi Laura, it will be a lovely cake for warmer months. Here in Spain we are still having Spring weather (till about 18ºC during the day) so I didn't have to wait at all this year ;-)

  14. Pretty cool that you have your own olive trees! And your cake does look delicious!

  15. This sounds delicious! I am so jealous of your own olive trees! That's amazing. Yummy cake.
